Professional Beauty
Professional Beauty

3 mins


What's your earliest memory?

One of my earliest childhood memories is when I used to play at being a hairdresser with my friend. I would beg her to sit there while I tried out different upstyles. I used to tell her she could pick something from the shelf in my room if she let me practise on her hair.

Who or what is your biggest inspiration?

My biggest inspiration is my husband Ronan. He has the same work ethic and drive as me, and really pushes me out of my comfort zone. He is always thinking outside the box, encouraging me to work hard and follow my dreams.

What was your first job?

I worked in housekeeping in a hotel. My friend worked there and got me a job. We had lots of fun, always messing around in the rooms, trying to frighten one another.

Ideal holiday destination?

Lake Garda in Italy, which is stunning. It has great food and scenery – and I can't forget to mention the great wine!

Favourite food?

At the moment it's Korean-fried chicken or chicken gyoza.

Favourite drink?

It would have to be a cosmopolitan – Ilove a good cocktail. I also love a decent coffee. I need my morning coffee fix.

How do you relax?

By having a really hot bubble bath. This really helps me to unwind.

What was the last great film or series you watched?

I really enjoyed Arnold on Netflix. It's a docuseries about Arnold Schwarzenegger, and it was really interesting to watch his life's journey. My guilty pleasure is watching The Real Housewives of Orange County. I am addicted!

‘Stop wasting your time thinking about what other people are saying about you and just stay true to who you are’

Dream dinner party guest/guests (alive or dead)?

My dream dinner guest would be Freddie Mercury. I love Queen – Ireally enjoyed Bohemian Rhapsody, the movie about his life. I think he would definitely keep everyone entertained with his flamboyant personality.

Do you cook and, if so, do you have a signature recipe?

Yes, I love to cook. My signature dish at the moment is the aforementioned Korean-fried chicken with gochujang sauce. It's Donal Skehan's recipe and it's so tasty. I've also started baking sourdough bread. It takes a lot of patience and work, but it's a winner in our house.

Best piece of advice you've ever received?

What other people think of you is none of your business – so stop wasting your time thinking about what other people are saying about you and just stay true to who you are.

Best piece of advice you've ever given?

Whatever is meant to be won't pass you by. And trust your gut – when you feel like you are going in the wrong direction, it will veer you back to the right path.

Have you changed the way you run your business/work since the pandemic?

I really appreciate now how precious time is, and I try to nail that work/life balance. I have a young family and often felt torn between work and family time.

Favourite thing about yourself?

I like to have the craic and not take life too seriously! On the flip side, I take my career, which I'm passionate about, very seriously, and will not stop until I achieve my goals and dreams.

What's the one hair product you can't live without?

It would have to be Schwarzkopf Professional's Osis+ Tame Wild, which is ideal for smoothing out those fly-away hairs and adding shine. It is great for updos, when you want to get a smooth, sleek photo finish.

What, if anything, would you now tell your 16-year-old self?

When I was a teenager, I didn't have much confidence and was afraid to be different from my peers. I would like to go back and tell myself to be more confident, and never be afraid of being yourself.

How would you like to be remembered?

I'd like to be remembered for my encouragement and enthusiasm in my career as an educator. I'd also like to be remembered for my crazy ideas in the hair competitions I've entered, and the beautiful work I've created during my hairdressing journey.

This article appears in the NOV/DEC 2023 Issue of Professional Beauty & HJ Ireland

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This article appears in the NOV/DEC 2023 Issue of Professional Beauty & HJ Ireland