Better BALANCE |
Professional Beauty
Professional Beauty

3 mins


Running your own salon can consume an incredible amount of time and energy, so to avoid feeling burnt out, set yourself strict work-life boundaries, advises salon business expert Liz McKeon

What is work-life balance? This is a term used to describe how people distribute their time between personal and professional obligations. When someone has a good work-life balance, they are able to allocate their time so they don’t overwork, and can focus on other aspects of their life, such as family, friends, travel, hobbies and social activities.

It sounds simple, but it isn’t always easy for busy salon owners. There are, however, some things you can do to help you achieve that perfect work-life balance.

1 Draw a line between work and home

Get into the habit of separating the two, so when you are at work, you are at work, and when you are at home, you are at home. If you bring work home or have a home office, exercise self-discipline and stop working when you close the door.

2 Always stop for meals

On average, most salon owners work a minimum of 64 hours per week. Taking care of yourself and establishing healthy eating habits is vital in order to have the energy required to do this.

3 Remember to switch off

Statistics show that 30% of us check our phones before 7am. You need to build in uninterrupted thinking time into your day, away from technology and the expectation of an immediate response. As human beings, our brains need respite in order to continue to produce innovative ideas.

4 Outsource wherever you can

At times, and for certain tasks, relinquishing control is the right decision to make. Think about what you could delegate and to whom.

5 Make time for a holiday

It is difficult to leave your salon for long periods of time, particularly in the early days. Take long weekends instead – every so often add a Friday or a Monday to your weekend, giving you a break to look forward to and a chance to recharge your batteries.

6 Set priorities

To feel more balanced in life and business, set priorities and create lists. Put the most important tasks on the top of the list, and the least important towards the bottom.

7 Manage your time

There are 24 hours in the day, ideally eight for work, eight for leisure and eight for rest! Managing your work-life balance starts with managing your time. Create a schedule and adhere to your ‘to do’ list.

 8 Say no!

Learn the power of saying no. It is not possible to be available to everybody around you all the time. If you are respectful to your time limitations, then staff and clients will be respectful also. 

9 Stop complaining and change your life!

Complaining means you are dwelling on the negative – your perspective is on the problem and not on the solution. Become committed to always focusing on the solution, regardless of what you are facing.

10 Assume responsibility

 If you have a problem or a difficulty to overcome, it is your responsibility to fix it. Likewise, if you are unhappy, it is your responsibility to get to the root of your unhappiness and make some necessary changes.

11  Aim for a new mindset

If you believe you can achieve your salon and personal goals, chances are you are right. But if you feel certain you can’t – then you are right too. For ongoing salon success, it is important to get into the right frame of mind. Turn away from fear and worry as they won’t change any outcome, but will drain your energy. Your experiences are where it all begins and ends, so gather as many positives as you can. It’s about having both financial success and enjoying the ride!

13  Practise thinking    positively

Display a more positive emotional and mental attitude towards yourself, other people and situations. Refuse to participate in negative inner dialogues, as it is a waste of your precious time and energy. Associate with people who bring something of value into your life, and avoid those who sap your enthusiasm.

14 Have faith in yourself  and your abilities  

 Be prepared to try new things, as doing things differently will help you be more creative. Set goals for yourself and your business. Keep yourself busy working on these. Each goal accomplished will boost both your confidence and self-esteem. 

Liz McKeon is an author, business coach, trainer and mentor, specialising in the hair, beauty and spa sector. For further information, visit or call +353 86 386 1243.

This article appears in the JULY/AUGUST 2024 Issue of Professional Beauty & HJ Ireland

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This article appears in the JULY/AUGUST 2024 Issue of Professional Beauty & HJ Ireland