More than WELCOME |
Professional Beauty
Professional Beauty

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More than WELCOME

Creating a welcoming environment in your salon will increase client loyalty and ultimately help to boost your profits, says salon business expert Liz McKeon

Improving the quality of client service that your salon delivers is one of the quickest and most straightforward ways to increase loyalty. When you cultivate a warm and welcoming environment, and you take care of your clients so well that they go on to tell others, then you know you have delivered on the quality of the service.

Did you know that a new client will develop an impression about your staff and your business in the first seven seconds they spend with one of your therapists? In that very small amount of time, they will judge your salon and team in 11 different ways:

1. Attractiveness

2. Cleanliness

3. Courtesy

  4. Credibility

  5. Confidence

  6. Friendliness 

7. Helpfulness

  8. Knowledge

  9. Professionalism

  10. Responsiveness

11. Understanding

These judgements will lead them to form one of the following opinions: 

1. They like your employee and, therefore, your salon. 

2. They dislike your employee and, therefore, your salon.

  3. They are indifferent.

You might be surprised to learn that while a client disliking your employee and salon is detrimental to your business, so too is an indifferent client. An indifferent client is a temporary client, who is only in your salon until they find a better option. They are not going to become a loyal, long-term client.

You cannot redo a first impression, so it is absolutely crucial that clients feel welcomed and valued within those first moments of contact. You must do everything you can to maximise your positive impact on them, so they form superior opinions about you, your team and your business. This does not have to be complicated. For example, make sure that all employees who work on your reception have been fully trained on exactly how to answer the phone and respond to any client queries. Encourage your team to smile, establish eye contact and give a friendly greeting to clients who come into the salon. Advise them to be as confident and relaxed as possible when engaging in small talk. By answering clients’ questions promptly and showing genuine interest in them, an impression of warmth, concern and trust is created. Remember, people buy people first!

There are a number of things both you and the team can do on a day-to-day basis that will help with your goal of creating a welcoming environment for clients:

Be organised

Arrive at work a few minutes early, be prepared for your day and run your appointments on time. That way, the atmosphere at your salon is relaxed.

Be calm

This will help your client to feel more at ease, and you then have a solid foundation to build trust, introduce new services and make recommendations.

Be presentable

Surveys show that employees with high levels of personal presentation create pride in the salon, while increasing its credibility.

Have a winning smile

There is nothing like a genuine smile to create a great first impression and welcome clients. A warm and confident smile will put you all at ease.

5 Be open and confident 

Body language can speak louder than words. Use your body language to reflect appropriate confidence and self-assurance. Stand tall and greet clients in a positive manner. Always project confidence in your ability.

Be chatty

Conversations are based on give and take and small talk goes a long way. Prepare questions for the clients you are expecting that are relevant to the treatments they have booked.

Be courteous and attentive 

Every client deserves 100% of your attention and your very best manners.

Be positive

Your attitude shines through in everything you do. Project a positive attitude, even in the face of criticism. Strive to continually learn, always maintaining a positive and upbeat manner. PBHJ

Liz McKeon is an author, business coach, trainer and mentor, specialising in the hair, beauty and spa sector. For further information, visit or call +353 86 386 1243.

This article appears in the SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2024 Issue of Professional Beauty & HJ Ireland

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This article appears in the SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2024 Issue of Professional Beauty & HJ Ireland